Hear From Our Students

Before college, I did not have a strong relationship with my Judaism. Being a part of Hillel has helped me realize the importance of a Jewish community. There are so many different social and learning opportunities, from the ILF and JLF classes to the holiday meals. Hillel offers so many different experiences for all of my needs on campus.

Throughout the year, Hillel gives me the opportunity to connect with my Judaism and with other Jewish students on a deep level. Between Friday night dinners at 104West, services for holidays, and chiller get-together events, Hillel allows me to take a break from the craziness of college and truly have fun.

The Big Red Birthright trip was absolutely amazing for me. I really enjoyed getting to know Jewish students from my school, as well as Jewish students from other schools. Speaking to the Israelis about Israel and the conflicts and their connection to Judaism gave me a lot of knowledge that I’ve been looking for. I also enjoyed going to the Western Wall - it was really meaningful for me.