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Meaning Makers

Cornell Hillel is proud to two campus couples who host students for shabbat meals-- out of their homes.

Rabbi Hayley and Lizzie

Base Ithaca

Meet Rabbi Hayley and her partner, Lizzie. Out of their home in Collegetown, Rabbi Hayley and Lizzie (and their dog, Bowie) create meaningful and experiential gatherings for students. Whether they're hosting a safrut class, where students can learn to write Hebrew calligraphy on traditional parchment, or gathering 20 students in their living room for an LGBTQ+ Shabbat, these two make connecting to Judaism accessible for students. 


Rabbi Daniel & Sarah Kasdan

Rabbi Daniel and Sarah Kasdan, along with their adorable children, Shani and Izzy, are here to support Jewish learning and observant life on campus. They love hosting Shabbat and holiday meals in their home, teaching weekly Jewish classes, studying with students one-on-one, providing halachic and pastoral counseling, planning social events, and just hanging out in the kosher dining hall. 


The Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus is a program of the Orthodox Union in partnership with Hillel to send young Orthodox rabbinic couples to college campuses with large Orthodox communities. 



Phone: 607-255-9712

Mail: PO Box #4150, Ithaca, NY 14852


This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

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