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Members are parents and grandparents of current students who have made a commitment of $360 or more to Cornell Hillel during the 2022-2023 academic year.

 Thank you for your generosity!

(updated 11/30/22)


Ethan Blank and Suzanne Perla

John Bueker and Catherine Simpson-Bueker

Michael and Kimberly Cornell

Deborah Cowan

Amy Dukoff

Peyman and Viedra Elison

Steven and Rachel Feinleib

Alissa Fox

Eric and Margaret Friedberg

Robert and Elaine Gin

Kevin and Rachel Glazer

Daniel and Leslie Greenspan

Douglas and Hallie Hohner

Malka Kahn

Seth and Kathryn Kaplan

Scott and Jacqueline Kauff

Charles Labiner and Michelle Miller

Robert and Suzanne Lefkowitz

Gil and Sima Mandelzis

Rebecca and Lee Miller

Randy Morgan and Lynn Weidberg Morgan

David Lefkowitz and Efrat Muller-Lefkowitz

Gary and Felicia Nachman

Harry Rzepka

Michael Sadowski and Joy Dicker

Alex Sagan and Julie Altman

Stephen and Liz Schwartz

Gil and Haya Shamir

Richard and Tara Shapiro

Richard and Jackie Siegel

Scott and Stacy Silver

Douglas and Catherine Wigdor


We apologize if you have been omitted. Hillel may not have received your contribution. For questions or concerns, please contact Susanna Cohen,



Contributions from parents, alumni, and friends make our work possible.

Join the Parents Circle today with your donation!



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Phone: 607-255-9712

Mail: PO Box #4150, Ithaca, NY 14852


This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

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